UK’s Ofcom opens 2024–25 funding application window

Ofcom, United Kingdom

The government grant funding window has now opened for community broadcasters in the United Kingdom.

According to the announcement from Ofcom, things that can be funded include: administration; management; financial management and reporting; fundraising to support the station (e.g. grants from other sources or commercial funding); volunteer organization and support; and community outreach.

It should be noted that “Grants can only be made to Ofcom-licensed community radio stations in the U.K., broadcasting on AM, FM, or via a Community Digital Sound Programme license on a digital radio multiplex,” according to the release.

The application window will close at 5 p.m., June 14, 2024.

The release says that “The total amount available over the course of 2024–25 is £400,000.” Additionally, “In the last round the grants awarded ranged from £9,100 up to £28,536.”

Much more detailed information and the application form can be found here.


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